Profusion Publishers - Independent British Publishing House, based in London


Report on the State of Loneliness

by Augustin Buzura

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"Report on the State of Loneliness” explores, in depth; the Romanian landscape over more than 70 years, subtly locating the history of a myriad of individuals and events within their broader European context, as well as describing the conflicts and opportunities of the post-Accession generation. Comparable in its dynamic narrative to the works of an author like Gunter Grass, “Report” is one of the few of this kind to have yet come from the literary tableau of the Accession countries.

Augustin Buzura is one of the best-loved and respected Romanian authors, with a career as a journalist, novelist, and cultural manager spanning more tha n fifty years.

“Report on the State of Loneliness” is his first novel published in the United Kingdom. 
Report on the State of Loneliness
Paperback, Profusion (London, 2016)
ISBN-13: 978-0956867643; ISBN-10: 0956867642

PROFUSION GOLD SERIES – Fiction, 2014-2016

Stelian Țurlea - GREUCEANU – Novel with a Policeman
Liviu Antonesei - The Innocent and Collateral Victims of a Bloody War with Russia
Augustin Buzura - Report on the State of Loneliness
Series Editor: Mike Phillips
Published by Profusion International Creative Consultancy


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