Profusion Publishers - Independent British Publishing House, based in London

"Report on the State of Loneliness" is a concluding moment in Augustin Buzura’s great series of novels

"Report on the State of Loneliness"  - Augustin Buzura’

"Report on the State of Loneliness" - Augustin Buzura

"With my thoughts going to the war or any other absurdity of the times - since everything seemed possible and impossible at the same time - I felt the need to know life on each of its numerous levels. I wanted to take, with thirst and fury, as soon as possible, everything I was sure that, sooner or later, could be useful to me, as if I was able to assemble some reserves of love, beauty and peace.” (Augustin Buzura - Report on the State of Loneliness) 

“Cu gândul la război sau la orice altă absurditate a vremurilor, căci totul părea posibil și imposibil în același timp, simțeam nevoia să cunosc viața pe fiecare din numeroasele ei paliere, să iau cu sete și furie, cât mai repede, tot ce aveam certitudinea că, mai devreme sau mai târziu, mi-ar putea folosi, de parcă mi-aș fi putut face niște rezerve de dragoste, frumusețe și liniște.“ (Augustin Buzura – Raport asupra singurătății)

"Report on the State of Loneliness" is a concluding moment in Augustin Buzura’s great series of novels. The author enters the tenebrous and mysterious labyrinth of life in the most natural manner possible: slamming the secret door open to the wall.  

Translated from the Romanian by Ramona Mitrica, Mike Phillips and Mihai Risnoveanu
Available from Profusion Books, on Kindle and in paperback. 

Book cover: Laura Lazăr and Mihai Risnoveanu
Photo: Laura Lazăr